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Yes, you were defeated by a soviet cow.

Sim, descerá da tua mão compadecida,
Meu Deus em que não creio! e porá fim à minha vida.
E uma terra sem flor e uma pedra sem nome
Saciarão a minha fome.

José Régio, in 'As Encruzilhadas de Deus'
General of the Army
15 Level
12,368 Experience
81,229,514 Damage
7.828125 Economy skill
2189 Strength
Soviet Union
Day 1 Birthday
19 / 142 National by XP
28 / 142 National by DMG
278 / 2,265 Global by XP
357 / 2,265 Global by DMG
Political office No office
Political office Party leader
Military unit Spetsnaz Alfa Group
Working at

4,503 - 8,022
Critical hit:
9,006 - 16,044
Base critical hit chance
12.5 %
+2.43 %
+2.56 %
Total critical hit chance
17.49 %
17.49 %
Base miss chance
12.5 %
-3.58 %
-4.17 %
Overall miss chance
4.75 %
4.75 %
Base chance to avoid DMG:
5.0 %
Overall chance to avoid DMG
5.0 %
5.0 %
Base chance to use less weapons per berserk
Final chance to use less weapons per berserk
0.0 %
Base chance to find a weapon
Final chance to find a weapon
0.0 %
Free flight base chance
5.0 %
Free flight final chance
0.0 %
0.0 %
  • x4
  • x56
  • x6
Top achievements:
Total achievements: 59 of 270See all achievements
Friends (53)
Farewell comrades
Farsen posted 5 years ago

Stop talking and arguing and join the best party in ww2!Aqui
Farsen posted 6 years ago

Heil La Prole, Viva Portugal, Viva Argentina, Viva Bulgária, Viva Arménia, Viva Hungria, Viva a União Soviética,


Viva Putas e Vinho Verde !
Farsen posted 6 years ago

First: La Prole didn't hit against Soviet Union, the Persian Cores were to be returned (our gov decided that!)
Second: Accept the facts, if Faus had not been impeached we wouldn't be on this situation
Farsen posted 6 years ago

If we are going down we are going with HONOR
Fighting untill the last man!
Remember soviet, NOT EVEN ONE STEP BACK!
Farsen posted 6 years ago

Let's win this, united! Hail the CCCP! Viva La Prole!
Farsen posted 6 years ago

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